Current Regulations
- Ordre no. 3873 of 05.05.2017 on amending Ordre no. 6156/2016 of 22.12.2016 on the organisation and conduct of the Romanian Language Preparatory Year for foreign citizens
- Methodology for receiving and the schooling foreign citizens starting with the 2017/2018 school/academic year – Annex to OMNE No. 3473 of 17.03.2017
- Ordnance no. 22 of 29.08.2009 on establishing the minimum tuition fees, in foreign currencies, of self-sustaining citizens studying in România
Previous Regulations
- OM no. 6000 of 15.10.2012 on the admission of non-EU students
- Methodology of March 2013 on the admission of non-EU students
- OMECS no. 3782 of 2015 on the methodology for admission of non-EU students
- The 2015 Methodology on the admission of non-EU students