International Relations

International Relations

Centre de Réussite Universitaire (CRU)

Founded in 2015 and receiving yearly co-financing from l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, the Centre's mission is to promote the scientific and cultural Francophonie at a local, national and international level.

Activities and Events throughout the Year

Our activities are focused on 3 key axes: Students and Pupils, Teachers and La Francophonie.

For Students and Pupils

Our events and activities are aimed at developing students' necessary transferable skills to facilitate their integration on the labour market. Our pool of services includes:

For Teachers and Academic Staff

We keep in contact and collaborate with the French teachers and academic staff in our region through:

Promoting La Francophonie

The best way to understand La Francophonie is to experience it! We are looking forward to meeting you during one of our events:

Our Projects

Project Name Duration
Le Numérique à la portée de tous : métaplateforme d'intégration d'une façon innovatrice des ressources en ligne pour l'apprentissage du français 2018 – 2020
Apprendre en autonomie : une compétence clé pour la réussite professionnelle de nos étudiants 2021
