International Relations

International Relations

Programme Description


Course Description

This programme is addressed to candidates who wish to study in Romania and who do not have a Certificate of Language Proficiency.

Course Units

Course Title Language Skills
Romanian Language
  • Understanding written texts and speeches
  • Grammatical structures and vocabulary
  • Oral and written communication
Romanian Culture and Civilisation
  • Understanding written texts and speeches
  • Gramatical structures and vocabulary
Romanian Language Practical Course
  • Drafting written texts and speaking
  • Oral and written communication
  • Specific vocabulary in various fields (e.g.: Engineering, Biology, Medicine, Social Sciences and Humanities, Law, Economy and Arts)

Course-Unit Exams

  1. Each subject in the Curriculum has a final exam
  2. Awarded grades range from 1 to 10
  3. The minimum passing grade is 5

Important: Students need a minimum Mark Overall Average of 7 to progress to Higher Education Degrees

Completion of Studies (Graduation Exam)

Your Graduation Exam is different if you are pursuing in Romania:

  • Higher Education Degrees
  • High-School Education

Students pursuing Higher Education Degrees

The Graduation Exams will consist of 3 parts:

  1. Written exam for assessing the fundamental and specialised knowledge of the Romanian language and of Romanian for Special Purposes
  2. Europass-style Curriculum Vitæ written in Romanian
  3. Essay on Culture and Civilisation comparing and contrasting the Romanian Culture and Civilisation with those of the students'

Students pursuing High-School Education

The Graduation Exam will consist of 2 parts:

  1. Written exam for assessing the fundamental and specialised knowledge of the Romanian language
  2. Europass-style Curriculum Vitæ written in Romanian